A Maternity and Adoption Service of Churches of Christ Since 1960
Pregnant ? Confused ? Afraid ?
Pregnancy should be a time of joy and happy anticipation. Sometimes it is not...if you are experiencing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.
Smithlawn Maternity Home of Lubbock, Texas, offers a calm, supportive atmosphere where expectant mothers can explore the options available to them and are assisted in making appropriate choices.
Smithlawn is a non-profit service organization dedicated to helping those who are pregnant during a difficult time in their life.
Smithlawn accepts expectant mothers of any race, age and religion. A personal interview and application are preferred, but admission may be arranged by letter or by telephone.
Expectant mothers from all over the United States and many foreign countries have found their way to Smithlawn since it's inception in 1960. Quality care, based on the concern for expectant mothers and their babies is the hallmark of Smithlawn.
The Smithlawn Church of Christ was awarded "The President's Volunteer Action Award" for exemplary volunteer achievements with the Smithlawn Home.
Call, Write or Email us
- To get expert advice from people who care.
- To get help in making critical decisions.
- To be treated with dignity and compassion.
Smithlawn Home
Box 6451
Lubbock, Texas 79493-6451
Call (day or night): 1-806-745-2574
or: email us

"Protecting the Adoptive Triangle"